Questions to Ask a Psychic

neon-question-markHave you ever wondered how to get the most out of your psychic reading? Many people call psychics thinking that they have all the answers, but this is a mistake. Before you call or visit a psychic, you should make sure to prepare first by looking within. Psychic readings are extremely beneficial for providing spiritual guidance, but they can be expensive and some psychics charge by the minute. That’s why Ronn Sussberg of Psychic Readings by Ronn created Questions to Ask a Psychic as a resource to help those seeking answers prepare to get the most out of their readings.

About Psychic Readings by Ronn

Phone: (248) 593-9146
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Ronn Sussberg is a clairvoyant psychic who has over thirty years of experience working with a diverse array of clients in many fields. He has worked with models, actresses, and musicians from around the globe. As the founder of Psychic Readings by Ronn, Ronn Sussberg has earned a reputation both with clients and peers as the gold standard of accurate and specific psychic readings. He prides himself on providing clients with guidance about their past, their present, and their future. Ronn’s gift has been recognized both locally in his home state of Michigan as well as on a national level. Ronn has made numerous television and radio appearances and was featured on the Travel Channel’s The Dead Files.
Ronn Sussberg HeadShot

“Preparing questions to ask your psychic will ensure you have the most satisfying and enlightening reading possible.”

Before we get into some specific tips for preparing questions to ask your psychic, there are a few things you should know about what psychics can do as well as what their limitations are.

So What is a Psychic?

You’ll get varied answers depending on who you ask. Most psychics will tell you that they each have different abilities that allow them to help people in different ways. Ronn believes that being a psychic simply means a heightened sense of awareness. Psychics don’t necessarily perceive things that others can’t, they are just more intuitive. Have you ever had an inexplicable bad feeling that turned out to be right? Ever had a dream that came true? These are examples of intuition that everyone has but that psychics are able to hone in on and use to provide guidance. You can imagine psychic abilities as instincts on steroids. With that in mind, you should always ask yourself what issues you wish you felt more intuitively about when preparing your questions to ask a psychic.

What a Psychic Isn’t

It’s easy to think of a psychic as a savior and a quick fix to all of your problems, but remember, psychics are still people and they don’t know everything. Psychics are not omniscient and they certainly don’t have the ability to change the course of events in your life. They can provide you with spiritual guidance, but it is ultimately up to you to make changes.

Psychics feed off of energy. The more energy you give off during your reading, the more specific and helpful your psychic can be. Remember, psychics aren’t magic and the best psychic/client relationships are those that are more like partnerships than a one way street.

How to Prepare for My Reading

Before you start to come up with a list of questions for your psychic, you should come up with a list of questions for yourself. These will vary for every person but here are a few tips and examples that will help you finish your reading feeling happy and satisfied about the future:

  • What am I hoping to get out of this reading?
  • If I’m making a big decision, have I asked myself what I can control and what I can’t?
  • Am I prepared to open up to my psychic?
  • What actions will I take if I get an answer my questions?

Asking yourself these types of questions will make sure that you do not get sidetracked and that you know what you are hoping to accomplish by working with a psychic.

What Should I Ask My Psychic?

Now that you understand both what a psychic can do and what you are hoping to learn from your reading, it’s time to start thinking about what specific things you would like answered. Let’s talk about some guidelines that will facilitate a successful psychic reading and help you prepare a list of questions for your psychic that are focused and will provide you with the guidance you need. A few thoughts:

Don’t Ask Yes or No Questions: This one might seem counterintuitive but remember that even a psychic can’t provide a black and white answer to a grey question. For example, asking your psychic “Should I divorce my husband?” would be asking your psychic to make an incredibly difficult life decision for you. That is not the psychic’s role. A psychic can help you find the answer within, as long as you’re asking the right questions. A better way to ask would be something like, “I’m thinking about divorcing my husband. What factors should I consider?” or “Do you see a bright future for my marriage?”. These kinds of questions will help you gain the spiritual guidance and information you need to make a difficult decision without avoiding taking responsibility for the direction of your own life.

Be Selfish with Your Questions: This is a bit of an exaggeration but keep the sentiment in mind when preparing questions for your psychic. This doesn’t mean only ask questions about yourself, but it does mean only ask questions that relate to you. Like we covered earlier, the most successful psychic relationships are the ones that build partnerships of trust over time. This partnership leads to a more powerful and personal energy connection between your psychic and your client. If your questions aren’t related to you, your life, and the people you love it will be more difficult for your psychic to get an accurate reading since the spiritual bond needs to be personal. For example, asking, “Will there ever be world peace?” is so broad that your psychic won’t be able to give you personal spiritual guidance that pertains to you and your life. A similar question that will likely return a more satisfying answer would be “Will the world be safe for my children when they grow up?”.

Be Active, Not Passive: At their core, a psychic is a guide. They use their heightened sensory powers to provide answers and help you make important decisions. If you ask passive questions that don’t result in action, your psychic may be able to answer them accurately but you probably won’t be happy with your reading, and more importantly, with the direction of your life. Another way of thinking about this tip is to make sure every question you ask would lead to a decision if your psychic can help you arrive at an answer. “Is my job a dead end” is an example of a passive question. Your psychic might have an accurate answer but how will you use the answer to change your life? An active way to pose that question is something along the lines of “I’m starting to feel like my job is a dead end. I’ve always loved helping people. What direction do you think I should take my career?”.

If you follow these guidelines and make sure you prepare questions to ask your psychic before you call or visit for a reading, you’re guaranteed to have a more satisfying psychic session and a more productive course of action after the session is over.

Check out Ronn’s blog for more guidance and tips on asking the right questions during a psychic reading.